Christmas Market Avignon
Christmas Market and Traditions of Provence

Christmas Market Avignon
A vast Provencal crèche is lovingly created in the lobby of the Town Hall, prepared by a master santon maker and showing all the characters and trades from a characteristic Provencal village – delight for all ages!
On Place Pie, Les Halles market is also a-bustle with Christmas activity: fresh products abound to prepare the traditional Christmas meals, as do special products such as nougats, chocolates, candied and dried fruits, fougasses and the traditional breads known as pompes à huile… Not to mention the truffles, seasonal fruits and vegetables, fish and shellfish …
Music, folk dance and song, parades and games enliven the daily Christmas market.
At the Palais du Roure, the seat for Provencal traditions, the collections of santons are set up, and the Christmas table is prepared, to beautifully show the traditions of the Christmas Eve meal and the 13 desserts.
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01.12. – 31.12.2018
01.01. – 06.01.2019
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Office de Tourisme d’Avignon41, cours Jean Jaures
84000 Avignon
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