Winter Wonders in Brussels (CST)
Covid Safe Ticket required

Winter Wonders in Brussels
To celebrate the Christmas and New Year holidays and their special warm, colourful, gastronomic and festive atmosphere, the City of Brussels will again be hosting Winter Wonders. Along an illuminated walk-route of more than two kilometres, the project brings together all the cultural, traditional and fun activities scattered between the Place St. Jean and the Marché aux Poissons. It includes:
The Electrabel Nights on the Grand’Place
Discover a musical and illuminated fairyland, which quite literally immerses spectators in the heart of Christmas magic, against the backdrop of the most beautiful theatre in the world. It features a magnificent sound and light show that lights up the skies of our dark winter days. You are sure to be enchanted!
Christmas Market: festive handicrafts, gastronomy and activities
Belgium’s largest Christmas market, made up of 240 chalets located around the Bourse (Stock Exchange) and on the Marché aux Poissons. Belgian artisans and those from abroad offer their specialities, original gifts and tasteful decorations. The atmosphere is enhanced by frequently organised activities – with street artists, brass bands, processions on foot, choirs and amusement rides for the kids. A guest of honour (a city, country or region) traditionally occupies Place Ste. Catherine to present its handicrafts, gastronomy, culture and so on.
Skating rink
Covering an area of more than 1,000 square metres and able to accommodate up to 300 people, the Winter Wonders skating rink is open every day on the Marché aux Poissons to welcome visitors who enjoy thrills and a few spills. The youngest have their very own skating rink. More than 45,000 delighted skaters glided across the rink in 2008. The Wall Street Journal even awarded the venue a “gold medal” for the quality of its ice, after a panel of judges had looked at all the open-air rinks in Europe.
The two-km route
Move between the event’s various main areas by walking along an illuminated route, featuring a sound system and enlivened by street artists. To guide the visitor, there are arches and other illuminated totems marking the walk. Brussels Card and Winter Wonders Entitles holders to get into 30 Brussels museums and to travel for free on the city’s public transport, plus discounts in some restaurants, shops and tourist attractions, as well as four special offers to make the very most of Winter Wonders (two hot drinks for the price of one in the brasserie, half-price entry to the skating rink, a ride on the Big Wheel for the child rate, and 25% off all Winter Wonders souvenirs).
Nette Menschen treffen

Wenn du in der Vorweihnachtszeit faszinierende neue Freunde kennen lernen möchtest, empfehlen wir das Frühstückstreff Social Network. Du wirst vielleicht staunen, was die Redaktion von zum Preis von Null Euro für Zehntausende Menschen in Europa tut. Frühstücken wir bald gemeinsam? Folge uns auf – Anzeige ...
26.11. - 31.12.2021
01.01. - 02.01.2022
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